Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Things to Know About PR that Fails

I gained some great wisdom from an article I read titled, by Margie Zable Fisher. I think that her reasons are very important for PR people to know and be aware of. It is important to know what we are getting into and prepare ourselves for these types of issues.

Educating the client is a very important part of a PR person’s duties and services. If the client doesn’t not know how publicity works and what to expect, then it is a case waiting for disaster.

It is also very important to make sure that both you and the client are on the same page so that the expectations are the same and there are no hard feelings when things don’t work out the way you both hoped. This flows into another reason Fisher mentioned, and that is that results are not received quickly enough and the client ends the deal because they are upset. Avoid this by informing the client about realistic time frames. Educate them on how the media works and explain the realistic media placements the client will most likely receive.

Make sure the client can be flexible with different news angles. The client must also be willing to be flexible with their schedule and make sure to inform them that if the media picks up on the pitches that it is extremely important that they are able to be there and be available for the media.

In order to avoid disaster just keep your client well informed and make sure that in the beginning of your relationship you cover all these aspects so that when the time comes, these problems will not be problems at all. Communication is key! Let’s not forget that.

For more on this topic, visit Matthew Stibbe's blog.

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