While I think about my life and how busy and chaotic it is at this moment, I realize that I am only human. Life happens. With all the changes in my life at the moment, it is hard to remember to enjoy the small things. If we can remember to do this, the big things won’t feel so impacting. I have realized that it is the little things that matter big. Keeping yourself healthy and in a good state of mind is so important. The other things will work themselves out.
Right now in my life I am trying to handle the changes and hurtles that are being places in front of me. My mind has been so busy thinking about these things. I am graduating soon and moving up to Portland. The craziness of all of that creates a lot of stress. I also am dealing with a long relationship coming to an end. The aspect of my life where I feel most powerless is my family. My Grandfather is 89 and has been in the ICU for the past week. He has a major surgery and it is so hard to think that we may lose him. My family and I are trying to stay positive and optimistic. We know that he has had the best life possible and that whatever happens is his faith. I want him around for at least another few years, right? I want him to see me get married and succeed. OK, enough about the sad stuff, lets talk about the “little things in life,” that can help make the day better.
Chuck Hester posted “Forward 10: Sometimes It’s the Little Things,” article that inspired me to write this post. His are great, and I recommend you check them out, but I have a few of my own to add.
1. Stop and smell the flowers. It is the best feeling to breath in the sweet smell of fresh flowers. It always reminds me of summer, which is a happy time.
2. Say “Bless you” when someone, especially strangers, sneezes. This can make anyone feel better and it makes you feel good too. The feeling that someone, who doesn’t even know you, cares about you is amazing.
3. Be the first one to say HI to a stranger. Make eye contact first, and say hello. It shows great confidence and you never know what that connection might turn into.
4. Buy the guy on the corner lunch. I like to buy lunch or some staple groceries for the guy or gal that stands on the corner asking for money. I like to ask them if they’re hungry and what they want. If they are they’ll tell you. You have to be sincere and not be shy. The feeling that you will get from this is rewarding and unlike anything.
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